[Cerowrt-devel] What version of CeroWrt is running at http://jupiter.lab.bufferbloat.net.

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 19:20:23 PDT 2012

Heh. It's the main router for the lab... it runs dns... it has a vpn
on it... it's running rc6... it's STABLE.

I've updated 4 (out of 9) of the machines in the lab thus far, and
basically plan
to cycle through them all with successive releases before updating jupiter.

If you have working ipv6, the external gui is available....

http://[2001:4f8:fff8:600::1]/cerowrt/ as one example

http://europa.lab.bufferbloat.net as another (both ipv6 and ipv4)

I'd appreciate knowing that port 81 (the router's configuration web
server) and ssh were indeed blocked
from the outside world.....

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 7:04 PM, Richard Brown
<richard.e.brown at dartware.com> wrote:
> I see that Jupiter is running an older version of CeroWrt - it still mentions Ocean City in the built-in web pages. Is this intended?

Dave Täht
SKYPE: davetaht
US Tel: 1-239-829-5608

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