[Cerowrt-devel] Packet Pacing

Iain R. Learmonth irl at fsfe.org
Mon Feb 24 07:13:10 PST 2014


I am attempting to perform some measurements using CoDel, PIE and
DropTail using the CeroWRT platform but the rate-limiting appears to be
happening before the queuing. The problem here is that there's no
bottleneck between the queue and the output and so the AQM isn't really
doing anything.

I'd like to pace packets being dequeued to allow for the creation of a
bottleneck where the output is the same link speed as the upstream link.

Any ideas?


urn:x-human:Iain R. Learmonth
mailto:irl at fsfe.org
xmpp:irl at jabber.fsfe.org

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