[Cerowrt-devel] cerowrt-3.10.32-9 released

Török Edwin edwin at etorok.net
Tue Mar 18 03:00:20 PDT 2014

On 03/16/2014 09:58 PM, Dave Taht wrote:
> Get it at:
> http://snapon.lab.bufferbloat.net/~cero2/cerowrt/wndr/3.10.32-9/
> I've been running this a few days now with no problems.

Can you please add these packages:
 - p910nd
 - luci-app-p910nd
 - wifitoggle

Just upgraded from 3.7.5-2, and it looks good so far.

I'm not sure about the SQM Link Layer Adaptation, the wiki says that I should leave it as 'none' for Fiber, but how can I test
if that is actually the correct setting?

I have this setup with my ISP:
cerowrt router <---(Ethernet) ----> (ISP on premise switch for multiple apartments) <----> (ISP device) <--- (fiber optics) ---> ISP

I connect using PPPoE, and AFAIK the ISP is using GPON.
Currently I have ~50 Mbps up/down speed, but I could upgrade to 1000 Mbps up/down.


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