[Cerowrt-devel] Comcast Uplink Buffers

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 11:14:56 PST 2015

kill offloads.

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 11:05 AM, Aaron Wood <woody77 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Bill,
> I'd recommend setting the bandwidth values low (very low) at first, just to
> establish that the setup is working correctly.  I'm able to get better
> control of latency at those bitrates on an WNDR3800:
> http://burntchrome.blogspot.com/2014/05/fixing-bufferbloat-on-comcasts-blast.html
> I'd start slow, and then start raising the limits until you see issues.
> But it's possible something else is causing issues.  Is your netperf source
> wired to the Atom?  (for bandwidth levels that ruler flat, I normally assume
> wired.  I've seen wifi give odd 30ms jumps in latency, but those normally
> come with an drop in bandwidth as well).
> What else is running on the Atom box?
> -Aaron
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 7:49 AM, William Katsak <wkatsak at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dave,
>> Thanks for the reply. I should have made it clearer that I am not running
>> this on a Netgear 3800, I am running the sqm system on an Atom D510 box at
>> 1.66 GHz (two cores + hyperthreads) with 2 GB RAM and good Intel NICs. While
>> running the rrul, the CPU is barely breaking a sweat.
>> The OS is Ubuntu server and I've made a nice wrapper to run simple.qos via
>> the if-pre-up/post-down hooks.
>> Can you suggest any tweaks to the settings that would better take
>> advantage of the extra CPU that I have?
>> Thanks,
>> Bill
>> On 03/05/2015 10:43 AM, Dave Taht wrote:
>>> well, cerowrt's inbound shaper runs out of cpu at +60mbits. That is
>>> possibly part of your problem.
>>> the peaks you are seeing are not bad - but to me, probably indicative
>>> of running out of cpu, which will among other things, drop packets
>>> burstily.
>>> As comcast has rolled out 100mbit+ service in a ton of places
>>> (including my home), we really, really, really need to find a way to
>>> do better rate shaping at higher speeds (or develop a faster policer)
>>> on some successor hardware.
>>> If you turn off inbound shaping (0 for that parameter) my measurements
>>> typically show over 600ms of latency on inbound on comcast at 100mbit
>>> down, but at least, doing the tcp_upload tests, we can hold the upload
>>> more under control. It is a totally unsatisfactory thing to have
>>> downloads got so much out of control, it really messes up other
>>> things, inside of a few seconds, on big downloads, but at this point I
>>> have to recommend turning off inbound shaping and just living with it.
>>> Very high on my list now is finally writing (or tom sawyering someone
>>> into writing!) "bobbie - the kinder, gentler policer" in the hope that
>>> that could actually run faster and better than shaping does on this
>>> low end hardware.
>>> On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 7:35 AM, William Katsak <wkatsak at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I just moved and had to switch my ISP from Optimum (Cablevision) to
>>>> Comcast
>>>> (100/10 link).
>>>> I am running my own port of simple.qos over to Debian/Ubuntu, and it
>>>> worked
>>>> fine on Cablevision (I basically use scripts in if-pre-up.d and
>>>> if-post-down.d to set the variables set up/tear down simple.qos).
>>>> However, since I moved over to Comcast, I am seeing something like 600
>>>> ms of
>>>> uplink buffering according to Netlyzer. Also, the Internet browsing
>>>> "feels"
>>>> slow when Netflix is in use elsewhere in the apartment (like before I
>>>> knew
>>>> anything about bufferbloat).
>>>> My config looks like this:
>>>> UPLINK=7500
>>>> DOWNLINK=85000
>>>> QDISC=fq_codel
>>>> LLAM="tc_stab"
>>>> LINKLAYER="none"
>>>> STAB_MTU=2047
>>>> STAB_MPU=0
>>>> STAB_TSIZE=512
>>>> LIMIT=1001   # sane global default for *LIMIT for fq_codel on a small
>>>> memory
>>>> device
>>>> ILIMIT=
>>>> ELIMIT=
>>>> ITARGET="auto"
>>>> ETARGET="auto"
>>>> IECN="ECN"
>>>> SQUASH_DSCP="1"
>>>> TC=`which tc`
>>>> #TC="sqm_logger tc"# this redirects all tc calls into the log
>>>> IP=$( which ip )
>>>> INSMOD=`which modprobe`
>>>> TARGET="5ms"
>>>> IPT_MASK="0xff"
>>>> IPT_MASK_STRING="/${IPT_MASK}"     # for set-mark
>>>> I've also attached the output of a run of rrul against
>>>> netperf.bufferbloat.net.
>>>> Any insight?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Bill
>>>> --
>>>> ****************************************
>>>> William Katsak <wkatsak at gmail.com>
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>> --
>> ****************************************
>> William Katsak <wkatsak at gmail.com>
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Dave Täht
Let's make wifi fast, less jittery and reliable again!


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