[Cerowrt-devel] DOCSIS 3+ recommendation?

dpreed at reed.com dpreed at reed.com
Thu Mar 19 06:53:54 PDT 2015

How many years has it been since Comcast said they were going to fix bufferbloat in their network within a year?

And LTE operators haven't even started.

THat's a sign that the two dominant sectors of "Internet Access" business are refusing to support quality Internet service. (the old saying about monopoly AT&T: "we don't care. we don't have to." applies to these sectors).

Have fun avoiding bufferbloat in places where there is no "home router" you can put fq_codel into.

It's almost as if the cable companies don't want OTT video or simultaneous FTP and interactive gaming to work. Of course not. They'd never do that.

On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 3:50pm, "Jonathan Morton" <chromatix99 at gmail.com> said:

> _______________________________________________
> Cerowrt-devel mailing list
> Cerowrt-devel at lists.bufferbloat.net
> https://lists.bufferbloat.net/listinfo/cerowrt-devel
> Right, so until 3.1 modems actually become available, it's probably best to
> stick with a modem that already supports your subscribed speed, and manage
> the bloat separately with shaping and AQM.
> - Jonathan Morton

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