[Cerowrt-devel] [Bloat] DOCSIS 3+ recommendation?

MUSCARIELLO Luca IMT/OLN luca.muscariello at orange.com
Fri Mar 20 10:14:48 EDT 2015

FYI, we have this in France.


ARCEP is the equivalent of FCC in France.

User QoS is measured in the fixed access by third parties.
The tests they run can be ameliorated  of course but the concept is right.
The data is then published periodically.


On 03/20/2015 03:08 PM, David P. Reed wrote:
> M-Lab is better by far. But control by Google automatically discredits 
> it's data. As well as the claims by operators that measurements by 
> independent parties violate their trade secrets. Winning that battle 
> requires a group that can measure while supporting a very expensive 
> defense against lawsuits by operators making such claim of trade secrecy.

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