vyos w/fq_codel and cake

Stephen Hemminger stephen at networkplumber.org
Wed Oct 11 12:49:59 EDT 2023

On Wed, 11 Oct 2023 08:26:17 -0700
Dave Taht <dave.taht at gmail.com> wrote:

> After successfully having got them to switch the default over to
> fq_codel last week,
> I started looking over their very old skool traffic shaping policies.
> Does anyone here use vyos? I used to really like it, but kind of went
> pure openwrt, and now very little at all.
> https://forum.vyos.io/t/qos-qoe-support-in-vyos/12376/2
> https://docs.vyos.io/en/latest/configuration/trafficpolicy/index.html

They forked from old Vyatta long ago, and have been making good progress.
There were things that we had to do internally: replace CLI processor,
switch routing protocol backend, and stop using kernel for dataplane.
VyOs gradually has done all of those.  Last I saw they were switching
over to FD.io/VPP for dataplane. VPP is an all userspace dataplane that
borrows from DPDK.

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