<div dir="ltr">Saw this post <a href="https://lists.bufferbloat.net/pipermail/cerowrt-devel/2013-January/000924.html">https://lists.bufferbloat.net/pipermail/cerowrt-devel/2013-January/000924.html</a> which said it was working in 3.7.2-4, but I haven't been able to get this working right for me on 3.7.5-2. Did something change that broke this or have I misconfigured something? After some fiddling with pimd, route, miniupnpd, minissdpd, etc, I have ended up where the client on wireless (Xbox360 console) can see my wired computer (Win 8) but when it tries to open it, it can't browse the contents. This works when both are on the same wireless, but I get some buffering/lag in video playback.<div>
<br></div><div>In wireshark, I see the SSDP search from the Xbox and then when the Xbox tries to access it, the computer replying to the console with a Server Error 500 containing "Access Denied" and I think it's because the computer can't see the console. I can ping it though. When I put the computer on the same wireless as the console, then open the Network folder and hit refresh, the Xbox pops up along with other things on wireless (Roku, etc) but when the computer is wired, it doesn't see any of those, so I think something about the SSDP packets isn't working quite right between subnets or with pimd. My guess is the SSDP search from the computer isn't getting to the wifi, only vice versa.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Not sure where to go next, any ideas? (is this the right place to ask/troubleshoot this?)</div><div><br clear="all"><div><div dir="ltr"><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" color="#666666">~jason</font></div>