[Cerowrt-users] Squid

Iain R. Learmonth irl at fsfe.org
Wed Feb 19 09:44:27 EST 2014


Is there a technical reason for choosing polipo over Squid for CeroWRT?

I'm looking to use CeroWRT with a project and have my DSCP/QoS
configured, but I need to do more fancy things with HTTP (including some
logging) and so need Squid.

Is it possible to install the Squid package from the OpenWRT packages?
Or has someone built a CeroWRT package for Squid already that I can use?

If not, I guess I'm jumping over to the cerowrt-devel list and looking
for help with building CeroWRT packages.


urn:x-human:Iain R. Learmonth
mailto:irl at fsfe.org
xmpp:irl at jabber.fsfe.org

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