[Codel] suggestions for enhancing AQM

Jonathan Morton chromatix99 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 04:30:04 EST 2015

Right now we consider AQM and Fair Queuing to be a solved problem, in terms
of designing and implementing algorithms. The open problem in this area is
DEPLOYMENT of these known solutions in the field. This is not strictly a
technical problem, but a political and economic one.

There are two related areas which we are still working on at a technical
level: Comprehensive Queue Management (CQM) which adds traffic
classification to the existing combination of AQM and FQ, and adapting
AQM/FQ/CQM to Wi-Fi networks, which have some unique characteristics which
require special consideration.

However, making progress in these two areas requires the people involved to
have understood the state of the art at a deep level before they can
usefully contribute. It also requires work with real traffic and
environments, or at least simulators considerably more advanced than ns2.

- Jonathan Morton
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