[Codel] Latency vs Delay

David Collier-Brown davec-b at rogers.com
Sat Mar 14 22:05:44 EDT 2015

On 03/14/2015 03:00 PM, divya singla asked
> Hi Members,
> is there anybody who can explain me difference between latency and delay?
In queuing, latency is the time between the send and the first byte of 
the reply, and (total) response time is the time between the send and 
the last byte of the reply. The time between first and last byte is the 
transfer time. Both are stated as if they were being observed by a 
client, either nearby or remote.

Delay, on the other hand, is the time the job spends sitting in a queue 
waiting to start work. Service time is the time it takes to do the work. 
Both are specifically at the server, or "queuing center"

If you draw a diagram, they overlap inconveniently (;-))


David Collier-Brown,         | Always do right. This will gratify
System Programmer and Author | some people and astonish the rest
davecb at spamcop.net           |                      -- Mark Twain

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