[Ecn-sane] SCE deployment for experiments and internal use

Pete Heist pete at heistp.net
Fri Mar 19 08:33:38 EDT 2021

It's been discussed a couple times that it's possible to deploy SCE
transports and middleboxes without IETF approval, providing that they
adhere to the guidelines in the draft. Namely, DSCP must be used, and
no SCE marking is allowed for traffic that may end up on the open
Internet. That is pretty limiting, and restricts usage to local
experiments or traffic within participating ASs, but perhaps it would
still be useful to gather some experimental data.

This can already be done today by just building the SCE kernel with the
right options enabled (https://github.com/chromi/sce), but does anyone
think there's a benefit to making it easier by making packages for some
platform? I'm not sure yet who would have the time to prepare these
packages, I'm just floating the idea first. It may be more attractive
to spend the time on if there were an experiment planned, or a platform
or location where it's likely to get used...


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