[LibreQoS] Before/After Performance Comparison (Monitoring Mode)

Robert Chacón robert.chacon at jackrabbitwireless.com
Sat Nov 5 12:44:47 EDT 2022

I was hoping to add a monitoring mode which could be used before "turning
on" LibreQoS, ideally before v1.3 release. This way operators can really
see what impact it's having on end-user and network latency.

The simplest solution I can think of is to implement Monitoring Mode using
cpumap-pping as we already do - with plain HTB and leaf classes with no
CAKE qdisc applied, and with HTB and leaf class rates set to impossibly
high amounts (no plan enforcement). This would allow for before/after
comparisons of Nodes (Access Points). My only concern with this approach is
that HTB, even with rates set impossibly high, may not be truly
transparent. It would be pretty easy to implement though.

Alternatively we could use ePPing
<https://github.com/xdp-project/bpf-examples/tree/master/pping> but I worry
about throughput and the possibility of latency tracking being slightly
different from cpumap-pping, which could limit the utility of a comparison.
We'd have to match IPs in a way that's a bit more involved here.

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