[LibreQoS] the k8 hairball

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 11:42:14 EST 2022

On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 5:44 AM MORTON JR., AL <acmorton at att.com> wrote:
> I'll take that bet, Dave, because I'm sure it mentions Throughput (and I only looked at part of the web page). It wouldn't be benchmarking without some definition of Throughput...

Nope. Not mentioned once. I shoulda hung an amount on that bet. Also,
I was overly vague, I'd meant latency or latency under load...
I have no idea why the k8 crowd thinks the network stack isn't
something to worry about...

> Full Disclosure: I have seen an earlier K8s benchmarking study, it could be related work. Among those of us who discussed the findings, one "knock" was that they only tested with TCP streams. Benchmarking for RFC 2544 Throughput requires UDP streams, no TCP flow-control complexities...
> Al
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: LibreQoS <libreqos-bounces at lists.bufferbloat.net> On Behalf Of Dave Taht
> > via LibreQoS
> > Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2022 9:28 PM
> > To: libreqos <libreqos at lists.bufferbloat.net>
> > Subject: [LibreQoS] the k8 hairball
> >
> > without reading this, I am willing to offer 3x1 odds this report does
> > not mention one specific tcp related metric.
> >
> > https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://humanitec.com/whitepapers/kubernetes-
> > benchmarking-study-2022__;!!BhdT!gy_08-Lw3wEiAgdspSMpcAGcLbfMq-my_-
> > YYi47om7KKd1gPKSdrT6L3o95U3sYPPpciDoMZMouCUh54K8qkmxM$
> >
> > Any takers?
> >
> > --
> > This song goes out to all the folk that thought Stadia would work:
> > https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dtaht_the-mushroom-
> > song-activity-6981366665607352320-FXtz__;!!BhdT!gy_08-Lw3wEiAgdspSMpcAGcLbfMq-
> > my_-YYi47om7KKd1gPKSdrT6L3o95U3sYPPpciDoMZMouCUh54RS9Rq-c$
> > Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC
> > _______________________________________________
> > LibreQoS mailing list
> > LibreQoS at lists.bufferbloat.net
> > https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://lists.bufferbloat.net/listinfo/libreqos__;
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> > YYi47om7KKd1gPKSdrT6L3o95U3sYPPpciDoMZMouCUh54XdGMIEA$

This song goes out to all the folk that thought Stadia would work:
Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC

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