[LibreQoS] [Rpm] [Starlink] Researchers Seeking Probe Volunteers in USA
rjmcmahon at rjmcmahon.com
Mon Jan 9 16:18:22 EST 2023
Also released is python code. It's based on python 3's asyncio. It just
needs password-less ssh to be able to create the pipes. This opens up
the stats processing to a vast majority of tools used by data scientists
at large.
Creating traffic profiles is basically instantiate then run. Here is an
example facetime test.
#instantiate DUT host and NIC devices
wifi1 = ssh_node(name='WiFi_A', ipaddr=args.host_wifi1, device='eth1',
wifi2 = ssh_node(name='WiFi_B', ipaddr=args.host_wifi2, device='eth1',
#instantiate traffic objects or flows
video=iperf_flow(name='VIDEO_FACETIME_UDP', user='root', server=wifi2,
client=wifi1, dstip=wifi2.devip, proto='UDP', interval=1, debug=False,
srcip=wifi1.devip, srcport='6001', dstport='6001',
offered_load='30:600K',trip_times=True, tos='ac_vi', latency=True,
audio=iperf_flow(name='AUDIO_FACETIME_UDP', user='root', server=wifi2,
client=wifi1, dstip=wifi2.devip, proto='UDP', interval=1, debug=False,
srcip=wifi1.devip, srcport='6002', dstport='6002',
offered_load='50:25K',trip_times=True, tos='ac_vo', latency=True,
traffic_flows = iperf_flow.get_instances()
if traffic_flows:
for runid in range(args.runcount) :
for traffic_flow in traffic_flows:
print("Running ({}/{}) {} traffic client={} server={}
dest={} with load {} for {} seconds".format(str(runid+1),
str(args.runcount), traffic_flow.name, traffic_flow.client,
traffic_flow.server, traffic_flow.dstip, traffic_flow.offered_load,
iperf_flow.run(time=args.time, flows='all', epoch_sync=True)
try :
for traffic_flow in traffic_flows :
print("No traffic Flows instantiated per test
finally :
if traffic_flows:
> A peer likes gnuplot and sed. There are many, many visualization
> tools. An excerpt below:
> My quick hack one-line parser was based on just a single line from the
> iperf output, not the entire log:
> [ 1] 0.00-1.00 sec T8-PDF:
> bin(w=1ms):cnt(849)=1:583,2:112,3:9,4:8,5:11,6:10,7:7,8:8,9:7,10:2,11:3,12:2,13:2,14:2,15:2,16:3,17:2,18:3,19:1,21:2,22:2,23:3,24:2,26:3,27:2,28:3,29:2,30:2,31:3,32:2,33:2,34:2,35:5,37:1,39:1,40:3,41:5,42:2,43:3,44:3,45:3,46:3,47:3,48:1,49:2,50:3,51:2,52:1,53:1
> (50.00/99.7/99.80/%=1/51/52,Outliers=0,obl/obu=0/0)
> Your log contains 30 such histograms. A very crude approach would be
> to filter only the lines that have T8-PDF:
> plot "< sed -n '/T8-PDF/{s/.*)=//;s/ (.*//;s/,/\\n/g;s/:/ /g;p}'
> lat.txt" with lp
> or
> plot "< sed -n '/T8(f)-PDF/{s/.*)=//;s/ (.*//;s/,/\\n/g;s/:/ /g;p}'
> lat.txt" with lp
> http://www.gnuplot.info/
> Bob
>> On Mon, Jan 9, 2023 at 12:46 PM rjmcmahon <rjmcmahon at rjmcmahon.com>
>> wrote:
>>> The write to read latencies (OWD) are on the server side in CLT form.
>>> Use --histograms on the server side to enable them.
>> Thx. It is far more difficult to instrument things on the server side
>> of the testbed but we will tackle it.
>>> Your client side sampled TCP RTT is 6ms with less than a 1 ms of
>>> variance (or sqrt of variance as variance is typically squared) No
>>> retries suggest the network isn't dropping packets.
>> Thank you for analyzing that result. the cake aqm, set for a 5ms
>> target, with RFC3168-style ECN, is enabled on this path, on this
>> setup, at the moment. So the result is correct.
>> A second test with ecn off showed the expected retries.
>> I have emulations also of fifos, pie, fq-pie, fq-codel, red, blue,
>> sfq, with various realworld delays, and so on... but this is a bit
>> distracting at the moment from our focus, which was in optimizing the
>> XDP + ebpf based bridge and epping based sampling tools to crack
>> 25Gbit.
>> I think iperf2 will be great for us after that settles down.
>>> All the newer bounceback code is only master and requires a compile
>>> from
>>> source. It will be released in 2.1.9 after testing cycles. Hopefully,
>>> in
>>> early March 2023
>> I would like to somehow parse and present those histograms.
>>> Bob
>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/iperf2/
>>> > The DC that so graciously loaned us 3 machines for the testbed (thx
>>> > equinix!), does support ptp, but we have not configured it yet. In ntp
>>> > tests between these hosts we seem to be within 500us, and certainly
>>> > 50us would be great, in the future.
>>> >
>>> > I note that in all my kvetching about the new tests' needing
>>> > validation today... I kind of elided that I'm pretty happy with
>>> > iperf2's new tests that landed last august, and are now appearing in
>>> > linux package managers around the world. I hope more folk use them.
>>> > (sorry robert, it's been a long time since last august!)
>>> >
>>> > Our new testbed has multiple setups. In one setup - basically the
>>> > machine name is equal to a given ISP plan, and a key testing point is
>>> > looking at the differences between the FCC 25-3 and 100/20 plans in
>>> > the real world. However at our scale (25gbit) it turned out that
>>> > emulating the delay realistically has problematic.
>>> >
>>> > Anyway, here's a 25/3 result for iperf (other results and iperf test
>>> > type requests gladly accepted)
>>> >
>>> > root at lqos:~# iperf -6 --trip-times -c c25-3 -e -i 1
>>> > ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > Client connecting to c25-3, TCP port 5001 with pid 2146556 (1 flows)
>>> > Write buffer size: 131072 Byte
>>> > TOS set to 0x0 (Nagle on)
>>> > TCP window size: 85.3 KByte (default)
>>> > ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > [ 1] local fd77::3%bond0.4 port 59396 connected with fd77::1:2 port
>>> > 5001 (trip-times) (sock=3) (icwnd/mss/irtt=13/1428/948) (ct=1.10 ms)
>>> > on 2023-01-09 20:13:37 (UTC)
>>> > [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Write/Err Rtry
>>> > Cwnd/RTT(var) NetPwr
>>> > [ 1] 0.0000-1.0000 sec 3.25 MBytes 27.3 Mbits/sec 26/0 0
>>> > 19K/6066(262) us 562
>>> > [ 1] 1.0000-2.0000 sec 3.00 MBytes 25.2 Mbits/sec 24/0 0
>>> > 15K/4671(207) us 673
>>> > [ 1] 2.0000-3.0000 sec 3.00 MBytes 25.2 Mbits/sec 24/0 0
>>> > 13K/5538(280) us 568
>>> > [ 1] 3.0000-4.0000 sec 3.12 MBytes 26.2 Mbits/sec 25/0 0
>>> > 16K/6244(355) us 525
>>> > [ 1] 4.0000-5.0000 sec 3.00 MBytes 25.2 Mbits/sec 24/0 0
>>> > 19K/6152(216) us 511
>>> > [ 1] 5.0000-6.0000 sec 3.00 MBytes 25.2 Mbits/sec 24/0 0
>>> > 22K/6764(529) us 465
>>> > [ 1] 6.0000-7.0000 sec 3.12 MBytes 26.2 Mbits/sec 25/0 0
>>> > 15K/5918(605) us 554
>>> > [ 1] 7.0000-8.0000 sec 3.00 MBytes 25.2 Mbits/sec 24/0 0
>>> > 18K/5178(327) us 608
>>> > [ 1] 8.0000-9.0000 sec 3.00 MBytes 25.2 Mbits/sec 24/0 0
>>> > 19K/5758(473) us 546
>>> > [ 1] 9.0000-10.0000 sec 3.00 MBytes 25.2 Mbits/sec 24/0 0
>>> > 16K/6141(280) us 512
>>> > [ 1] 0.0000-10.0952 sec 30.6 MBytes 25.4 Mbits/sec 245/0
>>> > 0 19K/5924(491) us 537
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Mon, Jan 9, 2023 at 11:13 AM rjmcmahon <rjmcmahon at rjmcmahon.com>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> My biggest barrier is the lack of clock sync by the devices, i.e. very
>>> >> limited support for PTP in data centers and in end devices. This
>>> >> limits
>>> >> the ability to measure one way delays (OWD) and most assume that OWD
>>> >> is
>>> >> 1/2 and RTT which typically is a mistake. We know this intuitively
>>> >> with
>>> >> airplane flight times or even car commute times where the one way time
>>> >> is not 1/2 a round trip time. Google maps & directions provide a time
>>> >> estimate for the one way link. It doesn't compute a round trip and
>>> >> divide by two.
>>> >>
>>> >> For those that can get clock sync working, the iperf 2 --trip-times
>>> >> options is useful.
>>> >>
>>> >> --trip-times
>>> >> enable the measurement of end to end write to read latencies
>>> >> (client
>>> >> and server clocks must be synchronized)
>>> >>
>>> >> Bob
>>> >> > I have many kvetches about the new latency under load tests being
>>> >> > designed and distributed over the past year. I am delighted! that they
>>> >> > are happening, but most really need third party evaluation, and
>>> >> > calibration, and a solid explanation of what network pathologies they
>>> >> > do and don't cover. Also a RED team attitude towards them, as well as
>>> >> > thinking hard about what you are not measuring (operations research).
>>> >> >
>>> >> > I actually rather love the new cloudflare speedtest, because it tests
>>> >> > a single TCP connection, rather than dozens, and at the same time folk
>>> >> > are complaining that it doesn't find the actual "speed!". yet... the
>>> >> > test itself more closely emulates a user experience than speedtest.net
>>> >> > does. I am personally pretty convinced that the fewer numbers of flows
>>> >> > that a web page opens improves the likelihood of a good user
>>> >> > experience, but lack data on it.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > To try to tackle the evaluation and calibration part, I've reached out
>>> >> > to all the new test designers in the hope that we could get together
>>> >> > and produce a report of what each new test is actually doing. I've
>>> >> > tweeted, linked in, emailed, and spammed every measurement list I know
>>> >> > of, and only to some response, please reach out to other test designer
>>> >> > folks and have them join the rpm email list?
>>> >> >
>>> >> > My principal kvetches in the new tests so far are:
>>> >> >
>>> >> > 0) None of the tests last long enough.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Ideally there should be a mode where they at least run to "time of
>>> >> > first loss", or periodically, just run longer than the
>>> >> > industry-stupid^H^H^H^H^H^Hstandard 20 seconds. There be dragons
>>> >> > there! It's really bad science to optimize the internet for 20
>>> >> > seconds. It's like optimizing a car, to handle well, for just 20
>>> >> > seconds.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > 1) Not testing up + down + ping at the same time
>>> >> >
>>> >> > None of the new tests actually test the same thing that the infamous
>>> >> > rrul test does - all the others still test up, then down, and ping. It
>>> >> > was/remains my hope that the simpler parts of the flent test suite -
>>> >> > such as the tcp_up_squarewave tests, the rrul test, and the rtt_fair
>>> >> > tests would provide calibration to the test designers.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > we've got zillions of flent results in the archive published here:
>>> >> > https://blog.cerowrt.org/post/found_in_flent/
>>> >> > ps. Misinformation about iperf 2 impacts my ability to do this.
>>> >>
>>> >> > The new tests have all added up + ping and down + ping, but not up +
>>> >> > down + ping. Why??
>>> >> >
>>> >> > The behaviors of what happens in that case are really non-intuitive, I
>>> >> > know, but... it's just one more phase to add to any one of those new
>>> >> > tests. I'd be deliriously happy if someone(s) new to the field
>>> >> > started doing that, even optionally, and boggled at how it defeated
>>> >> > their assumptions.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Among other things that would show...
>>> >> >
>>> >> > It's the home router industry's dirty secret than darn few "gigabit"
>>> >> > home routers can actually forward in both directions at a gigabit. I'd
>>> >> > like to smash that perception thoroughly, but given our starting point
>>> >> > is a gigabit router was a "gigabit switch" - and historically been
>>> >> > something that couldn't even forward at 200Mbit - we have a long way
>>> >> > to go there.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Only in the past year have non-x86 home routers appeared that could
>>> >> > actually do a gbit in both directions.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > 2) Few are actually testing within-stream latency
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Apple's rpm project is making a stab in that direction. It looks
>>> >> > highly likely, that with a little more work, crusader and
>>> >> > go-responsiveness can finally start sampling the tcp RTT, loss and
>>> >> > markings, more directly. As for the rest... sampling TCP_INFO on
>>> >> > windows, and Linux, at least, always appeared simple to me, but I'm
>>> >> > discovering how hard it is by delving deep into the rust behind
>>> >> > crusader.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > the goresponsiveness thing is also IMHO running WAY too many streams
>>> >> > at the same time, I guess motivated by an attempt to have the test
>>> >> > complete quickly?
>>> >> >
>>> >> > B) To try and tackle the validation problem:ps. Misinformation about
>>> >> > iperf 2 impacts my ability to do this.
>>> >>
>>> >> >
>>> >> > In the libreqos.io project we've established a testbed where tests can
>>> >> > be plunked through various ISP plan network emulations. It's here:
>>> >> > https://payne.taht.net (run bandwidth test for what's currently hooked
>>> >> > up)
>>> >> >
>>> >> > We could rather use an AS number and at least a ipv4/24 and ipv6/48 to
>>> >> > leverage with that, so I don't have to nat the various emulations.
>>> >> > (and funding, anyone got funding?) Or, as the code is GPLv2 licensed,
>>> >> > to see more test designers setup a testbed like this to calibrate
>>> >> > their own stuff.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Presently we're able to test:
>>> >> > flent
>>> >> > netperf
>>> >> > iperf2
>>> >> > iperf3
>>> >> > speedtest-cli
>>> >> > crusader
>>> >> > the broadband forum udp based test:
>>> >> > https://github.com/BroadbandForum/obudpst
>>> >> > trexx
>>> >> >
>>> >> > There's also a virtual machine setup that we can remotely drive a web
>>> >> > browser from (but I didn't want to nat the results to the world) to
>>> >> > test other web services.
>>> >> > _______________________________________________
>>> >> > Rpm mailing list
>>> >> > Rpm at lists.bufferbloat.net
>>> >> > https://lists.bufferbloat.net/listinfo/rpm
> _______________________________________________
> Rpm mailing list
> Rpm at lists.bufferbloat.net
> https://lists.bufferbloat.net/listinfo/rpm
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