[LibreQoS] [EXTERNAL] Re: [Starlink] Researchers Seeking Probe Volunteers in USA

Livingood, Jason Jason_Livingood at comcast.com
Mon Jan 9 13:54:38 EST 2023

> 0) None of the tests last long enough.

The user-initiated ones tend to be shorter - likely because the average user does not want to wait several minutes for a test to complete. But IMO this is where a test platform like SamKnows, Ookla's embedded client, NetMicroscope, and others can come in - since they run in the background on some randomized schedule w/o user intervention. Thus, the user's time-sensitivity is no longer a factor and a longer duration test can be performed.

> 1) Not testing up + down + ping at the same time

You should consider publishing a LUL BCP I-D in the IRTF/IETF - like in IPPM...


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