[LibreQoS] Libreqos v1.4-rc1 is now available

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Sat Mar 4 12:47:42 EST 2023

After a long period in alpha and multiple successful new installs all
over the world, we believe libreqos v1.4-rc1 is stable enough for the
less faint of heart to give it a shot. While there remain a bunch of
fit and finish (mostly) bugs left to resolve before the final release,
we're sure that no crash bugs remain (At least, we're pretty sure!).
So please give it a shot, try it in your lab at least, and file new
bugs on the github!?

Installation instructions are here:

If you haven't been keeping up with us in the #libreqos:matrix.org
chat room, please join!?

Come Heckle Mar 6-9 at: https://www.understandinglatency.com/
Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC

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