[LibreQoS] New Funnels Feature & Vote

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 17:30:30 EST 2023

OK, libreqos-v1.4-rc2 has proven to be pretty stable, and now in
production! with nearly everyone we know of following libreqos
development closely.

In the chat room today, another oft-awaited feature seemed to have
stablized and the vote among the core developers in the
#libreqos:matrix.org chatroom was today to merge that with v1.4 head,
as early as tomorrow morning PST, and take the risk of having to slip
the schedule if it didn't work out. However, we would like to engage
(and/or warn) more folk into pulling and testing that branch before we
merge it!


What the funnel concept is, is it lets you take a look at the behavior
of ALL the traffic being shaped between points A-E
in the hierarchical setup, so you can see if there are any problems
along the customer's path to the internet.

Attached is a screenshot.

Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC
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