[LibreQoS] When do you drop? Always!

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Mon Mar 13 17:02:06 EDT 2023

Attached is a picture of what slow start looks like on a 100Mbit plan
(acquired via the libreqos testbed, our tests vary, but if you would
like to see many ISP plans tested against (presently) cake, feel free
to click on https://payne.taht.net - it is not up all the time, nor
are the tests the same all the time, for details as to what is
running, please join us in the #libreqos:matrix.org chatroom)

An overall point I have been trying to make is that *at some point*,
any sufficiently long flow will exceed the available fifo queue
length, and drop packets, sometimes quite a lot. That is a point, the
high water mark, worth capturing the bandwidth in, say, the prior
100ms.  To me packet behaviors look a lot like musical waveforms,
especially when sampled at the appropriate nyquist rate for the
bandwidth and rtt. Out of any waveform, these days, I can usually pick
out what AQM (if any) is in action. I hope one day soon, more people
see patterns like these, and glean a deeper understanding.

I also keep hoping for someone to lean in, verify, and plot some
results I got recently against mkeown´s theories of buffersizing,


I don´t trust my results, especially when they are this good.
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