[LibreQoS] [Starlink] [Bloat] On fiber as critical infrastructure w/Comcast chat

Sebastian Moeller moeller0 at gmx.de
Wed Mar 29 15:23:39 EDT 2023

Hi Dave,

edited down to a single point

> On Mar 29, 2023, at 16:57, Dave Taht <dave.taht at gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
> Fiber is great for long distances, it is great in high density
> environments, and it is also great within a datacenter or internet
> exchange point. As for to the home, I'm still of two minds regarding
> GPON vs active ethernet, I vastly prefer the idea of an interoperable
> network with active fiber ethernet gear you can get at best buy, but
> nearly everyone with actual deployment experience is saying gpon...
> [...]
> --
> AMA March 31: https://www.broadband.io/c/broadband-grant-events/dave-taht
> Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC

I agree with you, fully standardized ethernet over PtP fiber is preferable from an end-user perspective. The PONs really are making inroads for a number of reasons, that mostly are attractive to those deploying them (and that seem to be related mostly to cost).
	The good thing is, that at least GPON and XGS-PON (where I bothered to read up a bit, oh boy, ITU documents are not reader friendly) seem "good enough", and deploying even those requires pulling the hottest chestnuts out of the fire (per dwelling unit fiber deployment), so any switch back to a fully point-to-point network in the future (should that ever be required) should be considerably cheaper than the initial PON roll-out. However I predict that PON will be good enough for quite a while....

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