[LibreQoS] Fwd: [Starlink] Glass to glass latency test with video over QUIC

dan dandenson at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 18:24:03 EDT 2023

 What’s the bitrate on the video though?  It’s not that hard to push
uncompressed data out at low latency.  I want to see a compressed <10Mbps

On Mar 31, 2023 at 2:34:53 AM, Dave Taht via LibreQoS <
libreqos at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: David Fernández via Starlink <starlink at lists.bufferbloat.net>
> Date: Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 1:32 AM
> Subject: [Starlink] Glass to glass latency test with video over QUIC
> To: <starlink at lists.bufferbloat.net>
> I think some of you may be interested in this type of latency
> measurements. See below for setup details (SW used).
>    Demo video (4m): https://youtu.be/adckQdZHECQ
> It seems this is State of the Art. I understand this test is done
> using FTTH at a minimum of 300 Mbit/s (symmetric), which is common and
> quite affordable in Barcelona area nowadays, but maybe he was even
> using Wi-Fi, not wired connection.
> Regards,
> David
> ---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
> From: Jordi Cenzano Ferret <jcenzano at meta.com>
> To: Cullen Jennings <fluffy at iii.ca>, Jordi Cenzano Ferret
> <jcenzano=40meta.com at dmarc.ietf.org>
> Cc: MOQ Mailing List <moq at ietf.org>
> Bcc:
> Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2023 05:41:14 +0000
> Subject: Re: [Moq] Just FYI New media packager added 91+% efficient -
> NO action needed
> Thanks for your kind words Cullen, and thanks to the chairs for the agenda
> time.
> Please try the demo yourself, play with it and ping me for any
> clarifications you need or problems you find. Those are some pointers:
>    Demo video (4m): https://youtu.be/adckQdZHECQ
>    Encoder & Player code:
> https://github.com/facebookexperimental/webcodecs-capture-play
>    Server/Relay code:
> https://github.com/facebookexperimental/go-media-webtransport-server
>    Links to send/play data to a relay in Frankfurt (EU)
>        Encoder link
>        Player link
>    Links to sened / play data to a relay in Oregon (USA)
>        Encoder link
>        Player link
> I hope all of you have a nice trip back!
> Jordi
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> Starlink mailing list
> Starlink at lists.bufferbloat.net
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> --
> AMA March 31: https://www.broadband.io/c/broadband-grant-events/dave-taht
> Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC
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> LibreQoS at lists.bufferbloat.net
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