[Make-wifi-fast] QoS and test setups

Aaron Wood woody77 at gmail.com
Thu May 5 22:08:46 EDT 2016

I saw Dave's tests on WMM vs. without, and started thinking about test
setups for systems when QoS is in use (using classification, not just

There are a LOT of assumptions made when QoS systems based on marked
packets is used:

- That traffic X can starve others
- That traffic X is more/most important

Our test tools are not particularly good at anything other than hammering
the network (UDP or TCP).  At least TCP has a built-in congestion control.
I've seen many UDP (or even raw IP) test setups that didn't look anything
like "real" traffic.

I know Dave has wanted an isochronous traffic tool that could simulate voip
traffic (with in-band one-way latency/jitter/loss measurement

What other tools do we need, for replicating traffic types that match how
these QoS types in wifi are meant to be used?  I think we're doing an
excellent job of showing how they can be abused.  Abusing is pretty easy,
at this point (rrul, iPerf, etc).

-Aaron Wood
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