[Make-wifi-fast] 89 things in draft

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 14:15:50 EDT 2016

Well, from an *outlining* and "catchy title" perspective, I'm doing
well, but I just took a look at the backlog of things that I'd meant
to write, in


And 89 things are unfinished, 37000 words thus far. 28000 "finished"
words, at least.

If I were to focus on finishing any of these concepts what would be of
most interest? New topics also suggested... I think I said elsewhere
that I'm trying to write down 2 dimensional aspects of at least a 5
dimensional problem, and at some point, going back and curating the
whole bufferbloat.net website is on my mind.....

(and if anyone wants to help tackle one or more of these...)

words title
   717 5g_promises.md
   357 60mbit.md
   195 abysmal_adhoc.md
   173 achieving_airtime_fairness.md
  1425 all_up_testing.md
   108 analyzing_edca.md
   163 anomolies_with_offloads.md
   413 antennas.md
   793 ath10_ath9k_2.md
   988 ath10_ath9k_stock.md
   363 big_days_in_bufferbloat_history.md
   276 binary_silence.md
    45 bufferbloat_at_burningman.md
    40 builds.md
   490 bursts_through_802.11e.md
    64 busted_boards.md
    65 cocoa.md
   712 codel_at_low_rates.md
    35 codel_on_bsd.md
   268 codel_wifi.md
   148 congest_rant.md
   130 coupled_queueing_and_vpns.md
   198 covering_routes.md
  2431 crypto_fq_bug.md
  1194 cs6_on_wifi.md
   148 dissing_dsl.md
   180 doing_diversity_routing_more_right.md
    80 ecn_is_broken_on_osx_mavericks.md
    43 ecn_on_ios.md
   875 ecn_rant.md
   251 edgerouter.md
    87 firewalls_and_throughput.md
    70 fixing_floods_with_fq_codel.md
  1450 flaws_in_flent.md
    87 fq_codel_on_ath9k.md
   180 full_airtime_fairness.md
   385 future_internet.md
   936 get_off_my_lawn.md
    97 getting_a_tcp_fair_share.md
   107 hidden_station_problem.md
    66 hostapd_tweaks.md
   747 hw_queue_selection_in_wifi.md
   348 improving_latency_on_low_speed_wifi.md
    51 improving_wifi_aggregation.md
    42 in_defense_of_fair_queuing.md
    37 low_latency_hackerboards.md
  1944 lte-u-coexistence.md
   434 lte-u-politics.md
   259 mailman_attack.md
    46 mellow.md
    43 musical_tcp.md
    37 new_code_lower_rates_more_filling.md
   142 nextgen_router.md
   346 nicaragua.md
   648 oldest_active_queue_first.md
   233 osx_vs_ecn_linux.md
  1459 outofscope.md
  2387 patterns.md
   786 pcengines_apu2d4.md
   267 peak_bandwidth.md
   126 producing_arbitrary_pings.md
   484 random_rescheduling.md
    95 reboot.md
    97 research_rants.md
   140 revenge_of_the_too_perfect_network.md
   207 ripping_out_the_reorder_buffer.md
   508 route.md
   526 routing_around_layer5.md
   226 save_the_sawtooth.md
   191 seeing_hash_collissions.md
  1398 selective_unprotect_2.md
   413 shorter_txops.md
   481 shuttleworth_flash_grant.md
    72 site_notes.md
   797 structuring_make_wifi_fast.md
    33 tackling_test_tools.md
   213 tcp_notsent_lowat.md
    62 testing_ideas.md
   169 too_clever_by_half.md
   447 torrents_not_a_problem.md
  1896 uap_ac_lite.md
   200 udp_floods_help.md
   179 undefined.md
   335 videoconferencing.md
    35 where_linux_wifi_went_wrong.md
   160 why_i_love_routing.md
   268 yurtlab_config.md
   574 yurtlab_routing.md
    25 zero.md
 37446 total

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