[Make-wifi-fast] [Bloat] benefits of ack filtering

Simon Barber simon at superduper.net
Mon Dec 11 12:42:05 EST 2017

TLS works over TCP, so the TCP headers are not encrypted.


Sent with AquaMail for Android

On December 11, 2017 8:17:47 AM Кирилл Луконин <klukonin at gmail.com> wrote:

> As I noticed from the Meraki document:
> "FastACK also relies on packet inspection, and will not work when
> payload is encrypted. However, in our networks, we do not currently
> see an extensive use of encryption techniques like IPSec."
> But what about TLS ?
> As for me, this technology will never work in most cases.
> Best regards,
> Lukonin Kirill.
> 2017-12-01 17:53 GMT+05:00 Toke Høiland-Jørgensen <toke at toke.dk>:
>> Jan Ceuleers <jan.ceuleers at gmail.com> writes:
>>> On 01/12/17 01:28, David Lang wrote:
>>>> Stop thinking in terms of single-flow benchmarks and near idle
>>>> 'upstream' paths.
>>> Nobody has said it so I will: on wifi-connected endpoints the upstream
>>> acks also compete for airtime with the downstream flow.
>> There's a related discussion going on over on the make-wifi-fast list
>> related to the FastACK scheme proposed by Meraki at this year's IMC:
>> https://conferences.sigcomm.org/imc/2017/papers/imc17-final203.pdf
>> It basically turns link-layer ACKs into upstream TCP ACKs (and handles
>> some of the corner cases resulting from this) and also seems to contain
>> an ACK compression component.
>> -Toke
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> --
> Best Regards,
> Lukonin Kirill
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