[Make-wifi-fast] How to integrate LEDE into OpenWRT build env

David Lang david at lang.hm
Mon Feb 20 15:34:13 EST 2017

On Mon, 20 Feb 2017, David Lang wrote:

> On Mon, 20 Feb 2017, Marty wrote:
>> How does LEDE relate to the OpenWRT build environment?
>> Does it replace it? Does it just replace the kernel portion of the build
>> env?
>> I might be asking more specific questions later, heads up, haha.
> LEDE is a fork of OpenWRT, most things in the build environment are virtually 
> identical (it's been less than a year since the fork and neighter one has 
> made a full release since), but since it is a fork, you may trip over 
> differences.

Additional news, it looks like LEDE and OpenWRT are going to be merging again 
and retaining the name OpenWRT.

>From prior announcements, it looks like the OpenWRT people are merging their 
changes into the LEDE codebase.

so think of LEDE as OpenWRT-next for now :-)

David Lang

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