[Make-wifi-fast] grant funding avail for various open source projects

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 16:12:14 EDT 2022

There is a ton of grant money going around, and various funds are
closing at the end of this month or the next. If you know talented
people that are being laid off, or just want to practice their craft
in any way to make for a better internet, please pass these links
along. If you know of any other funding sources, please post? I'd like
to get a stable floor back under make-wifi-fast in particular, and
find folk willing to fund or help out (and test) on the libreqos.io

NLNET is eu only and has two funds focused on privacy and security.
They are typically good for 30-50k eu and run for a year, a very short
(3 pages or less) application flies well with them. Closing december 1st:


NLNET has been a huge supporter of bufferbloat.net over the years,
most recently funding my "cerowrt ii" project, which was a
constructive failure, in that I lost way too much time to dealing with
regressions in the stack to make the slightest bit of forward

In germany there' s this:


And in america, ARDC is very focused on wireless applications.


The NSF POSE grants program just closed (we didn't qualify), pouring
21m into various open source orgs, or so I hope.

This song goes out to all the folk that thought Stadia would work:
Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC

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