[Make-wifi-fast] [Bloat] [Cake] The most wonderful video ever about bufferbloat

Taraldsen Erik erik.taraldsen at telenor.no
Tue Oct 11 07:34:54 EDT 2022

No we don't.  I think someone without all the legacy imposed on an old ISP as Telenor needs to go for that market.

And when I see how difficult it is to get customer to swap devices even when we give it to them for free - I don't see a viable business made from selling CPEs when not backed by the subsidy of the access product. 


On 11/10/2022, 08:38, "Dave Taht" <dave.taht at gmail.com> wrote:

    I guess my question is, erik, do you sell these routers commercially?
    There is a huge latent market in the US that could use upgrades.....

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