[Make-wifi-fast] [Bloat] Looking for a citation...

David Lang david at lang.hm
Sun Aug 18 14:52:42 EDT 2024

On Sun, 18 Aug 2024, Sebastian Moeller via Bloat wrote:

> *) I expect wildly different update schedules for routers/APs, notebooks, and 
> mobile devices. Smartphones might on the forefront with some folks replacing 
> them every 24 months, and laptops/APs on much slower schedules.... so even if 
> WiFi6/7 gear starts hitting some customer premises, I expect a looooong tail 
> of WiFi4/5 devices

IoT devices, video doorbells, set top boxes, etc probably have much slower 
upgrade cycles and usually have much older chipsets even on their chip date. 
Some of them don't use a lot of data, but because they are using older encoding 
they use a lot more airtime than you expect.

David Lang

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