[Make-wifi-fast] [Starlink] bloat on wifi8 and 802.11 wg

Brandon Butterworth brandon-ml at bogons.net
Mon Sep 2 12:37:42 EDT 2024

On 02/09/2024 03:59:43, "David Lang via Starlink" 
<starlink at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:
>It really doesn't help that everyone in the industry is pushing for higher bandwidth for a single host. That's a nice benchmark number, but not really relevant int he real world.

There may be some specific uses but it does seem to be mostly used
for selling bigger faster devices, they are also getting a lot more

It is good that wifi gets faster and we got some more channels but
in typical congested areas it has been wasted on making wider channels
so each station can destroy more spectrum in one go and we are
back where we started - devices shouting over each other.

We run a WISP, 5GHz is a mess (more so with devices like Sky Q
making their own mesh clashing with existing wifi).


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