[NNagain] FCC NOI due dec 1 on broadband speed standards

Livingood, Jason jason_livingood at comcast.com
Tue Nov 14 11:37:26 EST 2023

> Joking aside, how representative is this ratio of users to peak traffic for what you know about residential users? I am not looking for anything more than a very coarse replay, like same order of magnitude or not ;)

Based on my experience, this is representative in so far as: 
- People tend to use less bandwidth than they think [1]
- Downstream/upstream asymmetry remains is prevalent / normal
- The only real use of 1 Gbps is a speed test (artificial driver); there are no user applications that place those demands naturally on the network


[1] In a way, more bandwidth is like an insurance policy for possible usage and ensures capacity is not a constraint - and it has historically been a fair proxy, if indirect, for QoE.

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