[NNagain] Net Neutrality report in Germany

Sebastian Moeller moeller0 at gmx.de
Sat Oct 28 14:23:31 EDT 2023

Dear All,

after my UK post, here the corresponding document for Germany

Here is a link to the national regulatory agency (NRA) Bundesnetzagentur:


And here a link to the most recent report in english for the period of May 1st 2022 until April 30th 2023:

All in all this is less comprehensive future-looking than the UK documents mentioned in my previous mail, it is however a clear report on the German NRA's activities regarding monitoring and enforcement of the net neutrality rules. (To spell out the obvious, Germany is still member of the EU and hence is bound much stricter to EU regulation 2015/2120 and BEREC's interpretation thereof).


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