[NNagain] tech feudalism

Dick Roy dickroy at alum.mit.edu
Thu Feb 8 13:26:51 EST 2024




From: Robert McMahon [mailto:rjmcmahon at rjmcmahon.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2024 9:25 AM
To: Dick Roy via Nnagain
Cc: Dick Roy; Frantisek Borsik
Subject: Re: [NNagain] tech feudalism


It's about humans being present for others including kids. Taking away
screens doesn't fix the issue. Providing safe environments where people can
interact, make mistakes, be curious, etc.     This is the goal by my book.

[RR] Here, here!!! Couldn't agree more! Humans need help growing up . it's
HARD work!  Without a role model to help, things generally do NOT go well. 

I led a BSA Troop for 15 years. 41 Eagles, 300+ First Class Scouts were
taught independence, servant leadership, and community service both by
example and practice. Nothing compares to Adults being present and engaged.

[RR] I would add caring to the list.  Children absolutely KNOW when an adult
really cares and you can NOT replace that feeling/knowing with anything
else!  Whether they know it or not, the one thing that all your Boy Scouts
(good on you!) will remember as they get older is that YOU CARED!  When
asked what they remember about the experience, they will not respond first
with how well you taught them to "tie knots":-):-):-) "Education is not the
filling of a pail; but it's the lighting of a fire!"  W.B. Yeats


Wealthy and healthy have the advantage for sure. 

[RR] Healthy . absolutely yes!  Wealthy . not so sure.



On Feb 8, 2024, at 4:02 AM, Frantisek Borsik via Nnagain
<nnagain at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:

It's rather easy and it's contra-intuitive for most of the people:




""The digital divide was about access to technology, and now that everyone
has access, the new digital divide is limiting access to technology."


All the best,



Frantisek (Frank) Borsik



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 <mailto:frantisek.borsik at gmail.com> frantisek.borsik at gmail.com



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