[NNagain] The Whys of the Wichita IXP Project

Bill Woodcock woody at pch.net
Sun Feb 25 01:04:26 EST 2024

> On Feb 24, 2024, at 20:30, Robert McMahon via Nnagain <nnagain at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:
>> On Feb 24, 2024, at 4:05 AM, Fearghas Mckay <fearghas at gmail.com> wrote: 
>>> On 22 Feb 2024, at 18:58, rjmcmahon via Nnagain <nnagain at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote: 
>>> Boston University spent $305M on this and it doesn't have an IXP.
>> There are two well established distinct IX in the metro already - why would you need a third that is not at an interconnection site ?  
> For education and modeling. Students used to run on campus radio stations as an example. A modern world requires understanding things like IXPs. 

That’s a good point.  When we do IXP formation workshops, if there are very many ASes which haven’t peered before, we do get the whole thing up and running on a meeting-room table in a classroom sort of situation, before trying to do it in production.  And we’ve done joint projects between IXPs and departments of education.  So this is a very good reason for a university to host a small-scale or lab IXP.  But it’s also a good reason to forge a relationship with nearby production IXPs, such that student projects can get access to no-cost local bandwidth, etc.

Students getting access to distance-insensitive bandwidth at universities causes a lot of startups to crash-and-burn when they start to scale up and find out that the Internet isn’t flat, it just looks that way when you’re buying small amounts at retail.


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