[NNagain] Carr blasts BEAD

Robert McMahon rjmcmahon at rjmcmahon.com
Wed Jun 19 18:18:05 EDT 2024

False dichotomy. Fiber and wireless are the end game. The major fiber
installers I know say they no longer pull copper, even in houses. The pull
strength and bend ratios of fiber now exceed all others. Fiber is one and
done. Fiber cables don't have capillary action when submerged per
rainstorms. Signal loss of copper at 100Gb/s is in dB per inch. The sweet
spot for optics considering all kpis including power per bit delivered is
100G. Fiber is less than 0.5 db over 2Km independent of modulation.  Thin
as a hair and capacity abundant. Wireless is needed for the unleashing of
devices and no more. Maybe 29' like smoke detectors.

Those that figure this out will lead and make for the future and have
meaningful impact.


On Wed, Jun 19, 2024, 2:22 PM le berger des photons via Nnagain <
nnagain at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:

> maybe they'll pay some attention to you in 18 months when the only ISP
> doing well will be ones that are either owned by the Rothschilds or trade a
> month of internet for some eggs and a chicken.
> On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 10:57 PM Dave Taht via Nnagain <
> nnagain at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:
>> Some good rhetoric here: https://x.com/BrendanCarrFCC
>> I have been boggling at some of the hurdles required to get this funding.
>> I gave up on BEAD last year, as the goalposts seem to be forever receding
>> and mounted on unicorns dancing on cotton candy clouds. I know there is
>> more progress being made than meets the eye, but to me it's in spite of
>> BEAD, rather than because of it. ("in spite" meaning - you are going to
>> subsidize WHAT??)
>> My pithy comment about the "fiber party".
>> Bead has provided employment to a lot of telephone polishers, political
>> hacks, and paper pushers. I tried to point out that many of the goals could
>> be achieved by better software on wireless networks; the fiber party took
>> it over. And oh! Did they party!
>> https://x.com/mtaht/status/1803510661093392667
>> And for the records, I actually rather liked the ACP program. And
>> LibreQos passed 154 ISPs deploying it yesterday.
>> --
>> https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7203400057172180992/
>> Donations Drive.
>> Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos
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