[NNagain] broadband measurement summit in DC March 7th

Sascha Meinrath sascha at thexlab.org
Fri Mar 1 08:50:26 EST 2024

Hi Dave,

Never got it unbricked, alas, but we did finish up the RadarToolkit.com 
firmware, and are currently winding our way through getting permissions to open 
source that software stack (the federal agency has given the o.k., and now we 
just need the lead NGO to get sign-off from its board). Radar is a fairly 
extensible Pi-based (and mobile-app-based) measurement tool that enables 
longitudinal data collection to document network reliability. We've already 
deployed hundreds of these devices across 4 states, and have documented 
real-time "rolling blackouts" on specific ISPs up in Alaska. Radar is also 
fairly seamless in terms of collecting info needed to make BEAD challenges 
(which is this month's hot issue) -- though I'm far more interested in 
collecting baseline intel prior to BEAD interventions (so that we can document 
meaningful impact).

I remain quite perplexed on how NTIA plans to actually document the efficacy of 
their public investments. One of the biggest (rightful) critiques of the BTOP 
program was that there was no empirically-based assessment of what worked, and 
what didn't. 12 years later and NTIA appears hell-bent on making exactly the 
same mistake.

Meanwhile, I'll be very keen to see how the Broadband Nutrition Label rollout 
goes -- starting next month, we *should* be able to do the first-ever, 
systematic comparative pricing analyses on a national scale (at least among the 
large-scale providers).


On 3/1/24 08:34, Dave Taht wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 1, 2024 at 8:32 AM Sascha Meinrath <sascha at thexlab.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'll be there!
> Did you ever get your wndr3800s to work? I could send you a box of a
> few 25 dollar fq_codeled gl.inet boxes to anyone that needs ´em,
> particularly those still stuck with DSL. I have also been encouraging
> folk to run the waveform or speedtest.net tests on the conference
> wifi....
>> --Sascha
>> On 3/1/24 07:29, Dave Taht via Nnagain wrote:
>>> Anyone going to this?
>>> https://broadbandbreakfast.com/broadband-measurement-summit/

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