[NNagain] Cisco Fraudster Must Pay $100M, Serve Jail Time For Selling $1B In Counterfeit Gear

David Bray, PhD david.a.bray at gmail.com
Thu May 16 19:44:11 EDT 2024

Further update on what I shared back in March:

Cisco Fraudster Must Pay $100M, Serve Jail Time For Selling $1B In
Counterfeit Gear

*A CEO of a number of tech companies has been sentenced in federal court
for running what officials are calling “one of the largest
counterfeit-trafficking operations ever.” Onur Aksoy was convicted of
selling counterfeit Cisco equipment, with some of the phony gear being
deployed in classified information systems, combat and non-combat
operations of the U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Army, as well as
hospitals and schools, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.*

Snippet of note: *The fraudulent gear found its way into combat and
non-combat operations of the U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Army,
including within platforms supporting the F-15, F-18, and F-22 fighter
jets, AH-64 Apache attack helicopter, P-8 maritime patrol aircraft, and
B-52 Stratofortress bomber aircraft, according to the Department of
Justice. *

On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 10:00 AM David Bray, PhD <david.a.bray at gmail.com>

> Recognizing this is a broad distro so I am going to ask that any use of
> this post comply with the Chatham House rule of non-attribution to avoid
> consternation for any of the organizations involved - however there is a
> company by the name of TrueNorth Cyber that was asked by an important part
> of the USG to test a router that externally and internally (at least in
> terms of popping the lid) to be a Cisco Router.
> However twice the router had run hot. And twice the router was shipped
> back to Cisco to verify everything was okay - and twice the bird was
> shipped back to the USG saying yes, everything is good.
> However TrueNorth does deep hardware interrogation. And with their methods
> they identified this was **not** a Cisco router, but rather a Huawei board
> claiming to be a Cisco router in terms of electronic presentation with the
> bus, bios, etc. And even more disturbingly the board had been in use in a
> very sensitive USG environment for about 10 years by that time.
> TrueNorth has tested other warehouses of equipment that was believed by
> others to be “all good” and found on average 60-65% of hardware equipment
> has non-standard configurations inconsistent with the described specs. Not
> all of this is as extreme as the above, some of instances where memory from
> a different vendor was employed vs. what was sold or a chipset was swapped
> out from the standard config - however given the identification of covert
> modems at U.S. shipping facilities, how many IT and networking environments
> have run deep hardware interrogation to confirm that the hardware they
> think they have - really is what it claims to be?
> And no - “hologram decals” on hardware won’t help you here given they can
> easily be spoofed.
> *David Bray, PhD *Principal, LeadDoAdapt Ventures, Inc.
> <https://www.leaddoadapt.com/>
> Loomis Innovation Council Co-Chair <https://napawash.org/fellow/305629> & Distinguished
> Fellow
> <https://www.cxotalk.com/bio/dr-david-bray-distinguished-fellow-stimson-center>Henry
> S. Stimson Center <https://www.stimson.org/ppl/david-bray/>, Business
> Executives for National Security <https://bens.org/people/dr-david-bray/>
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 09:43 Dave Taht via Nnagain <
> nnagain at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:
>> I have been trying to point out for many years now, that a lot of
>> hardware can just have it's firmware replaced with something more
>> trustable, secure, reliable, and feature full. I was appalled at the recent
>> BOFO (?) rules that mandated buy american for secure .... glass .... and
>> totally ignored the firmware problem. I have not read up on rip and replace
>> progress below, and am afraid to, if someone could summarize?
>> Ironically, I regard Huwai's compliance with the GPL, and general
>> open source contribution philosophy as exemplary in an industry that
>> seemingly has forgotten the benefits of openness or the copyright
>> provisions of that license.
>> The president of huwai once responded to complaints by promising to open
>> up all it's source code for inspection... (cannot find the link), but the
>> CISCOs of the world evaporated that possibility, and the mess downstream of
>> most chinese AND american manufacturers has to be scanned to be believed.
>> ... a lot of huwai's consumer gear can be reflashed to OpenWrt, which is
>> maintained by a group of very security concious folk, mostly based in
>> germany.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: Broadband Breakfast <news at broadbandcensus.com>
>> Date: Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 9:23 AM
>> Subject: New Exclusive Report on 'Rip and Replace'
>> To: Dave Taht <dave.taht at gmail.com>
>> Broadband Breakfast Live Online Every Wednesday at 12 Noon ET
>> View this email in your browser
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>> *'RIP AND REPLACE'* The Policy and Law Behind 'Rip and Replace'
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=aa889f3f96&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> *
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>> Emerging reports signal a growing concern among telecommunications
>> providers grappling with compliance to the Federal Communications
>> Commission's mandate to excise problematic equipment from certain Chinese
>> companies.
>> Amid this regulatory melange, providers are finding themselves at a
>> crossroads, with the daunting task of navigating stringent regulations,
>> facing the financial brunt of equipment replacement, and contending with
>> the ambiguity surrounding funding mechanisms for such extensive
>> undertakings.
>> At the heart of this unfolding scenario is the "rip and replace" program,
>> a cornerstone initiative under the *Secure and Trusted Communications
>> Networks Act of 2019*
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=71ee2b1df3&e=62f1e7a8b2>,
>> designed to fortify the nation's telecommunications infrastructure against
>> potential espionage and cyber threats.
>> This *comprehensive effort *
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=5d7ef10837&e=62f1e7a8b2>not
>> only mandates the purging of equipment from companies like Huawei
>> Technologies and ZTE Corporation, deemed security risks, but also
>> underscores a pivotal shift towards securing the integrity and reliability
>> of U.S. telecommunications networks.
>> As the FCC enforces this order, the ripple effects are palpable, spanning
>> legal and financial implications for compliant companies and operational
>> challenges that demand innovative solutions, all while setting a precedent
>> for how national security considerations are increasingly shaping the
>> telecommunications landscape.
>> *What is 'Rip and Replace'?*
>> The rip and replace initiative, officially part of the initiatives under *the
>> Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019*
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=dc620d7161&e=62f1e7a8b2>,
>> is a Federal Communications Commission effort aimed at enhancing national
>> security within the country's telecommunications infrastructure.
>> Read more by becoming a Broadband Breakfast Club Member....
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>> Broadband Breakfast has been freshly redesigned to make it easier to find
>> the content you need about America's broadband buildout.
>> Broadband Breakfast is the community for Better Broadband, Better Lives.
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>> Fiber and Wireless Solutions for 'Always On' Deployment Strategies on
>> Tuesday, March 26, 2024
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=73473b9966&e=62f1e7a8b2> *TUESDAY
>> at 2 p.m. ET – REGISTER HERE to join live!
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=f3acf305fe&e=62f1e7a8b2>*
>> The application of quantum physics to traditional internet connections
>> holds great promise for enhancing speed, efficiency, and security in future
>> networks. As quantum processors venture out of physics labs and into data
>> centers, hear how they could work in tandem with advancing broadband
>> infrastructure to transmit vast datasets across future internet backbones.
>> Tune in for a dynamic discussion on how quantum mechanics can transform
>> computing, the internet and global communications.
>> The digital infrastructure is evolving at exponential rates and the
>> demand for smarter systems and a more connected world is imperative to the
>> progression of our communities. Deploying a broadband strategy isn’t
>> straight forward and requires flexibility, creativity, and the ability to
>> pivot quickly. Join the Wesco experts as they dive into the wireless and
>> fiber solutions driving innovation, enabling 24/7 connectivity and IoT, and
>> fortifying communities for tomorrow.
>> *Panelists*
>>    - *Chris Bailey*, Director, Strategic Accounts
>>    - *Carla Shaffer*, Vice President, Wireless
>>    - *Drew Clark *(moderator), Editor and Publisher, Broadband Breakfast
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=3f3e0d1dfb&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=511ee29008&e=62f1e7a8b2> Most
>> Democratic Senators Want Congress to Make ACP Renewal 'Must Pass'
>> Legislation
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=23c5f1fe02&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> WASHINGTON, March 20, 2024 – Thirty three Democratic and Independent
>> Senators on Friday co-signed a letter urging Senate and House leaders to
>> use “must-pass” budget legislation to include an extension of the
>> Affordable Connectivity Program.
>> The *letter urges Congressional leaders*
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=85ccef98a9&e=62f1e7a8b2> to
>> support bipartisan legislation to save the ACP from expiration when funds
>> are expected to be exhausted next month. The letter argued that the program
>> is necessary to close the connectivity gap between Americans.
>> Notable signatories include Sen. *John Fetterman*, D-Pennsylvania, Sen. *Raphael
>> Warnock*, D-Georgia, and Sen. *Alex Padilla*, D-California.
>> Todd Eachus: Government Red Tape Threatens Universal Broadband
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=bae8a27942&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> Pennsylvania’s mountainous terrain and rural areas with few homes have
>> made it difficult and expensive for broadband expansion.
>> What's In the FY 2025 Budget for Broadband and Technology
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=9ee96a8d56&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> WASHINGTON, March 20, 2024 – The White House unveiled its *proposed
>> fiscal year 2025 budget*
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=1f6ef48d27&e=62f1e7a8b2> last
>> week, earmarking $6 billion for enhancing internet affordability for
>> consumers and $112 million for expanding rural broadband infrastructure.
>> The proposed budget underscores that certain broadband and technology
>> initiatives are integral to President *Joe Biden*'s economic vision of
>> reducing costs, stimulating job growth, boosting manufacturing, and
>> ensuring the protection of American consumers.
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=362746d7a4&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> Introducing the California Broadband Summit at the CalMatters Ideas
>> Festival
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=0d849a3197&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=c15861f4fd&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> The event in Sacramento, California, on Wednesday, June 5 is part of the CalMatters
>> Ideas Festival
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=a43d388573&e=62f1e7a8b2> on
>> June 5-6, 2024.
>> Reserve Your Spot Now!
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=4f7737a7ef&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=ea0ae5e98f&e=62f1e7a8b2> *Panel
>> 1: The California Broadband Moment *
>> As billions flood into broadband development nationwide, California is
>> riding high on this wave, netting $1.86B from the government’s flagship
>> Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment Program. For the nation’s leading
>> tech hub, how has this pivotal moment unfolded? How does this dovetail with
>> the state’s ongoing initiatives aimed to drive innovation in the technology
>> and telecom sectors?
>> *Panel 2: California’s Pathbreaking Middle Mile Program*
>> In 2021, California unanimously passed SB 156, earmarking a $6 billion
>> broadband investment to bridge the statewide digital divide. More than half
>> of the funds are funneled towards building open-access, state-owned middle
>> mile networks with high capacity fiber. As this expansive investment fans
>> out across the state, how is California positioned to capitalize on it?
>> What opportunities and potential pitfalls might the state encounter along
>> the way?
>> *Panel 3: California’s Cost to Build*
>> With one of the country's most extensive highway networks, California
>> must also wrangle with the prickly issue of broadband right-of-way, which
>> often drive up the cost of deployment. This legal clearance for deploying
>> and maintaining broadband infrastructure along public routes often muddies
>> the waters around broadband expansion plans. Where does the state stand on
>> this issue? Are there still any bottlenecks that need ironing out for
>> seamless broadband flow across the state?
>> *Panel 4: Net Neutrality and Privacy*
>> While federal net neutrality rules hang in limbo, California has long
>> upheld its own law regarding the equal treatment of data, as well as its
>> state-leading law on internet privacy  With its sights on universal
>> broadband access statewide, how does net neutrality factor into
>> California’s game plan? What role has California’s leadership role on net
>> neutrality and privacy had on broadband for California?
>> Sponsors
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=f485dfc5a9&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=fc212dc8fc&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> *The California Emerging Technology Fund*
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=4f028aeedd&e=62f1e7a8b2> (CETF)
>> has been on a mission over the last decade to forge partnerships and foster
>> public policy to close the Digital Divide. This work has been
>> strategically-focused, results-oriented, and people-centered. CETF is a
>> leading proponent of the Digital Equity Bill of Rights
>> House Commerce Committee Advances Four Communications Bills
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=3bcc1bd114&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> WASHINGTON, March 20, 2024 – The House Energy and Commerce Committee
>> advanced four pieces of communications legislation on Wednesday.
>> Three of the bills are network security measures targeting companies from
>> China and other countries deemed national security threats, and one would
>> direct the Federal Communications Commission to stand up a task force to
>> study 6G technology. The bills were passed unanimously with bipartisan
>> support.
>> “Taken together, these bills will help protect American networks from
>> security threats, while also allowing our country to remain a global leader
>> in communications technology,” said Ranking Member *Frank Pallon*e,
>> D-New Jersey.
>> With Affordable Connectivity Funds Running Out, ISPs May Choose Partial
>> Reimbursement
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=b686490934&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> WASHINGTON, March 20, 2024 – As the looming deadline of the Affordable
>> Connectivity Program draws nearer, providers now face a decision of whether
>> to continue offering ACP-supported services through May by taking partial
>> reimbursement funding, or dropping consumers.
>> In a public notice released Monday
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=9882e3ce45&e=62f1e7a8b2>,
>> the Federal Communications Commission alerted internet service providers
>> that without additional funding from Congress, the Affordable Connectivity
>> Program won't reimburse them fully for the service and device benefits
>> applied to ACP-recipient internet bills beginning in May.
>> Housing Group Blasts Proposal to Ban Broadband 'Bulk Billing'
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=991288f3aa&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> An advocacy group on behalf of landlords and lenders argued the FCC
>> should not ban bulking billing practices.
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=5ec0998466&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> Broadband Breakfast on March 27, 2024 – Generative AI and Congressional
>> Action
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=0e558c9717&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=3147247da1&e=62f1e7a8b2> *WEDNESDAY,
>> 12 NOON ET – REGISTER HERE to join live!
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=8e8431b3ea&e=62f1e7a8b2>*
>> As generative AI capabilities quickly get woven into the fabric of daily
>> life and business practices, the debate around regulating this disruptive
>> technology has been catapulted into the public eye. Despite a flurry of
>> bill proposals hitting the floor, including President Biden's Executive
>> Order laying out an AI bill of rights, national-level guardrails have
>> ground to a halt without solid congressional buy-in. With lawmakers
>> returning to the Hill in 2024 amidst an election cycle in full swing, how
>> does AI regulation factor into the national storyline? What legislative
>> measures might be in the pipeline for Congress?
>> Broadband Providers Oppose Another Petition to Change FCC Pole Rules
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=bb7051d850&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> A coalition of utility companies asked the FCC to discard part of its new
>> pole attachment rules.
>> House Passes Bill to Fund Broadband in Economically Distressed Areas
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=0908bce4bf&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> The bill is aimed at making Economic Development Administration grants
>> more accessible for broadband projects.
>> At Free State Event, Most Industry and Academics Dump on FCC Regulation
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=0d80971a8c&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> The officials criticized the agency’s proposal to create more stringent
>> regulations on broadband access.
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=9ffcb8cfd1&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> Broadband Breakfast on April 3, 2024 – Generative AI and Congressional
>> Action
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=c706a82c3c&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=5db208b638&e=62f1e7a8b2> *WEDNESDAY,
>> 12 NOON ET – REGISTER HERE to join live!
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=b5a0318928&e=62f1e7a8b2>*
>> Reliable high-speed internet is crucial for unlocking the full potential
>> of precision agriculture, which utilizes advanced technologies such as GPS,
>> sensors, and data analytics to optimize farming practices. With significant
>> broadband funding and opportunities across the nation, efforts to enhance
>> broadband connectivity on agricultural land, spearheaded by the Federal
>> Communications Commission's Precision Agriculture task force, are gaining
>> momentum. How is the adoption of precision agriculture going? What promise
>> does it hold for the future of farming and technology? How is it factored
>> into ongoing broadband funding and deployment in rural areas?
>> <https://BroadbandBreakfast.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5637f8058831c038004b4f502&id=c55c3d98b5&e=62f1e7a8b2>
>> *About Broadband Breakfast: Broadband Breakfast is the leading media
>> company advocating for higher-capacity internet everywhere through topical,
>> timely and intelligent coverage. The company’s annual Digital
>> Infrastructure Investment conference champions a robust 21st century
>> information economy.*
>> Sign up to Receive Recording and Slides from Broadband Analytics Seminar
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>> --
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0Tmvv5jJKs Epik Mellon Podcast
>> Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos
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