[Rpm] fremont.nq.taht.net is ready for rpm testing

Sebastian Moeller moeller0 at gmx.de
Tue Apr 19 16:41:07 EDT 2022

Mmmh, now directly from home it seems to work (most of the time):

bash-3.2$ ./networkQuality --config fremont.nq.taht.net --port 443 --path config
04-19-2022 20:21:03 UTC Go Responsiveness to fremont.nq.taht.net:443...
Download:  74.422 Mbps (  9.303 MBps), using 16 parallel connections.
Upload:    22.844 Mbps (  2.855 MBps), using 20 parallel connections.
Total RTTs measured: 5
RPM:   110

user at work-horse:~/CODE/goresponsiveness$ ./networkQuality --config fremont.nq.taht.net --port 443 --path config
04-19-2022 20:22:03 UTC Go Responsiveness to fremont.nq.taht.net:443...
Download:  80.406 Mbps ( 10.051 MBps), using 24 parallel connections.
Upload:    26.000 Mbps (  3.250 MBps), using 20 parallel connections.
Total RTTs measured: 5
RPM:   105

With an RTT of 180 ms (over IPv6) I would expect at best:
RPM: 60*1/0.180 = 333.333333333 = 333/minute

Interstingly without cake I still get
bash-3.2$ ./networkQuality --config fremont.nq.taht.net --port 443 --path config
04-19-2022 20:30:38 UTC Go Responsiveness to fremont.nq.taht.net:443...
Download:  75.668 Mbps (  9.459 MBps), using 12 parallel connections.
Upload:    16.500 Mbps (  2.062 MBps), using 36 parallel connections.
Total RTTs measured: 5
RPM:   109

moeller at work-horse:~/CODE/goresponsiveness$ ./networkQuality --config fremont.nq.taht.net --port 443 --path config
04-19-2022 20:34:13 UTC Go Responsiveness to fremont.nq.taht.net:443...
Download:  96.155 Mbps ( 12.019 MBps), using 24 parallel connections.
Upload:    23.188 Mbps (  2.898 MBps), using 28 parallel connections.
Total RTTs measured: 5
RPM:   109

Linux versus apple (RTT ~18.8ms -> 60*1/0.018 = 3333 RPM)
moeller at work-horse:~/CODE/goresponsiveness$ ./networkQuality --config mensura.cdn-apple.com --port 443 --path /api/v1/gm/config 
04-19-2022 20:38:10 UTC Go Responsiveness to mensura.cdn-apple.com:443...
Download:  89.718 Mbps ( 11.215 MBps), using 12 parallel connections.
Upload:    26.938 Mbps (  3.367 MBps), using 12 parallel connections.
Total RTTs measured: 5
RPM:   811

I guess progress yeah, measurements return something, now let's see when the go timing bug will get zapped.


> On Apr 19, 2022, at 17:53, Dave Taht <dave.taht at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 8:36 AM Sebastian Moeller <moeller0 at gmx.de> wrote:
>> Mmmh:
>> user at work-horse:~/CODE/goresponsiveness$ ./networkQuality --config fremont.nq.taht.net --port 443 --path config
>> 04-19-2022 15:33:36 UTC Go Responsiveness to fremont.nq.taht.net:443...
>> Error: Saturation could not be completed in time and no provisional rates could be accessed. Test failed.
>> Might be too far away from Fremont?
> I did see it complete on my lte box.
> I get the same non-answer within the cluster, even if I enable sqm to
> be 100/100Mbit... I'm obviously saturating the link here...
>                 Tin 0
>  thresh        100Mbit
>  target            5ms
>  interval        100ms
>  pk_delay       2.92ms
>  av_delay       2.32ms
>  sp_delay          1us
>  backlog            0b
>  pkts           192049
>  bytes       286514221
>  way_inds           13
>  way_miss          113
>  way_cols            0
>  drops            6073
>  marks               0
>  ack_drop            0
>  sp_flows            0
>  bk_flows            1
>  un_flows            0
>  max_len         12112
>  quantum          1514
> I should probably version the config file also.
>> Regards
>>        Sebastian
>>> On Apr 19, 2022, at 17:20, Dave Taht via Rpm <rpm at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:
>>> Example of use:
>>> I don't have an osx box to test with...
>>> davetaht at penguin:~/goresponsiveness$ ./goresponsiveness --config
>>> fremont.nq.taht.net --port 443 --path config
>>> 04-19-2022 15:13:12 UTC Go Responsiveness to fremont.nq.taht.net:443...
>>> Download:  39.447 Mbps (  4.931 MBps), using 12 parallel connections.
>>> Upload:     1.000 Mbps (  0.125 MBps), using 24 parallel connections.
>>> (really crazy to open that many as I've mentioned)
>>> Total RTTs measured: 5
>>> RPM:    30
>>> ...
>>> I built a worldwide apache2 cluster.... not fully deployed yet: one
>>> trick is you need to use a full chain on a letsencrypt cert on the
>>> server, I don't know if that's the case on other cert types
>>> Apache config
>>> #SSLCertificateFile "/etc/letsencrypt/live/fremont.nq.taht.net/cert.pem"
>>> SSLCertificateFile "/etc/letsencrypt/live/fremont.nq.taht.net/fullchain.pem"
>>> SSLCertificateKeyFile "/etc/letsencrypt/live/fremont.nq.taht.net/privkey.pem"
>>> # kvetches
>>> * the large file is REALLY large. Ran me out of disk. It doesn't need
>>> to be that stinking large.
>>> * seq -f "x" doesn't work on my linux, results in a 1 character file.
>>> Is that meant to be just one 'x" elsewhere or
>>> a string of numbers? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx compresses too well.
>>> *
>>> My cluster is ALSO flent capable, so as to calibrate flent or irtt
>>> based tests against it.
>>> I'm using a CNAME for it, which is kind of a clever trick I think
>>> in measuring DNS latency....
>>> --
>>> I tried to build a better future, a few times:
>>> https://wayforward.archive.org/?site=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.icei.org
>>> Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Rpm mailing list
>>> Rpm at lists.bufferbloat.net
>>> https://lists.bufferbloat.net/listinfo/rpm
> -- 
> I tried to build a better future, a few times:
> https://wayforward.archive.org/?site=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.icei.org
> Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC

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