[Rpm] Sad news from Turris is finally out...

Frantisek Borsik frantisek.borsik at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 09:06:28 EDT 2022

Hello to all,

Most of You don't know me in person, but Dave (who has added me here), was
a great cheerleader of our work in Turris(Tech) with OpenWrt:
https://blog.cerowrt.org/post/tango_on_turris/, while we were trying to
spin it off and grow it then as a stand-alone company.

Things were running well, but the sudden decision of the board killed it,
while we were at Wi-Fi World Congress Americas 2022 in Cancun, Mexico, in

Here is the first public information on it, published after my interview
with journalist from Heise (one of the biggest open source media out
there): *https://www.heise.de/news/Turris-Omnia-Router-Spin-Off-ueberraschend-auf-Eis-gelegt-7203898.html
*--- it's in German, but here's the short summary in English:

*I am aware that some of You are fans of Turris project and Turris Omnia is
a router of choice for some of You as well, so I felt it would be fair to
let You know that unfortunately, this is what's going on there...and I as
well as the CEO - the real business drivers of it all, we are gone now.*



*All my best,*



+421919416714 (Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp)
+420775230885 (iMessage)
Skype: casioa5302ca
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