[Rpm] iperf 2 support for RPM and simple working loads

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 22:41:12 EDT 2022

I confirm the -t bug is fixed.

It's also terrible of me to request, but symbolic names help. (is this
shifted left 2?) There's a dscp to value lookup table I put into
netperf years ago here, you can just rip:

this is a both test over tethered lte.  Are you rounding off stuff tho?

[  1] 24.00-25.00 sec   400 Bytes  3.20 Kbits/sec
2=517.921/474.127/561.714/61.933 ms    0   13K/369863 us    120 rpm
[ *2] 25.00-26.00 sec  3.41 MBytes  28.6 Mbits/sec
[  2] 25.00-26.00 sec   126 KBytes  1.03 Mbits/sec
[  1] 25.00-26.00 sec   200 Bytes  1.60 Kbits/sec
1=491.142/0.000/0.000/0.000 ms    1   13K/385380 us    60 rpm
[ *2] 26.00-27.00 sec  3.14 MBytes  26.4 Mbits/sec
[  2] 26.00-27.00 sec   189 KBytes  1.55 Mbits/sec
[  1] 26.00-27.00 sec   200 Bytes  1.60 Kbits/sec
1=1484.553/0.000/0.000/0.000 ms    0    9K/406177 us    60 rpm
[ *2] 27.00-28.00 sec  1.03 MBytes  8.61 Mbits/sec
[  2] 27.00-28.00 sec  16.0 Bytes   128 bits/sec
[  1] 27.00-28.00 sec   200 Bytes  1.60 Kbits/sec
1=552.013/0.000/0.000/0.000 ms    1    9K/496780 us    60 rpm
[ *2] 28.00-29.00 sec  1.18 MBytes  9.88 Mbits/sec
[  2] 28.00-29.00 sec   126 KBytes  1.04 Mbits/sec
[  1] 28.00-29.00 sec   400 Bytes  3.20 Kbits/sec
2=771.394/411.026/1131.763/509.638 ms    0    9K/511648 us    120 rpm

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