[Rpm] [Bloat] An 8 years perspective on broadband in the usa - fcc data

Sebastian Moeller moeller0 at gmx.de
Sun Jun 19 11:46:44 EDT 2022

Hi Dave,

> On Jun 19, 2022, at 17:32, Dave Taht via Bloat <bloat at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:
> It's not clear if they are only measuring downloads in fig 4. ?
> https://vaibhavbajpai.com/documents/papers/proceedings/fcc-networking-2022.pdf


"The SamKnows probes measure a variety of broadband met- rics [22] over IPv4. The tests [22] covered in this paper include: multi-threaded download speed, UDP latency, UDP latency un- der load, and UDP packet loss. The tests connect to the closest measurement servers (based on round-trip time); measurement servers are hosted both off-net (outside of ISP boundary) and on-net (within ISP boundary). The off-net measurement points were hosted by Measurement Lab (M-Lab) [23] and changed to Level 3 Communications (CenturyLink) across ten cities in the US, while the on-net measurement targets are hosted by the ISPs themselves. The FCC publishes the raw data for each month [24], along with annual reports on major findings [25]. For controllability reasons, the annual MBA reports only cover measurements to the off-net locations, i.e., latency results might be inflated due to geographical distance. Thus, we also consider the on-net measurements in our analysis."

reference 22 points to https://www.fcc.gov/general/measuring-broadband-america-open-methodology
"Latency under load	Average round trip time for a series of regularly spaced UDP packets sent during downstream/upstream sustained tests"

this seems to imply that it would be mixed upload/download saturation?

But I agree that this is unclear... maybe Sam (Crawford) knows (pun intended), I do not have his email, but maybe he is on-list or someone else can relay that question?


> -- 
> FQ World Domination pending: https://blog.cerowrt.org/post/state_of_fq_codel/
> Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC
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