[Rpm] Changes to RPM calculation for MacOS Ventura?

Christoph Paasch cpaasch at apple.com
Tue Nov 1 17:52:21 EDT 2022

Hello Jonathan,

> On Oct 28, 2022, at 2:45 PM, jf--- via Rpm <rpm at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:
> Hopefully, Christoph can provide some details on the changes from the prior networkQuality test, as we’re seeing some pretty large changes in results for the latest RPM tests.
> Where before we’d see results in the >1,500 RPM (and multiple >2,000 RPM results) for a DOCSIS 3.1 line with QoS enabled (180 down/35 up), it now returns peak download RPM of ~600 and ~800 for upload.
> latest results:
> ==== SUMMARY ====
> Uplink capacity: 25.480 Mbps (Accuracy: High)
> Downlink capacity: 137.768 Mbps (Accuracy: High)
> Uplink Responsiveness: Medium (385 RPM) (Accuracy: High)
> Downlink Responsiveness: Medium (376 RPM) (Accuracy: High)
> Idle Latency: 43.875 milli-seconds (Accuracy: High)
> Interface: en8
> Uplink bytes transferred: 35.015 MB
> Downlink bytes transferred: 154.649 MB
> Uplink Flow count: 16
> Downlink Flow count: 12
> Start: 10/28/22, 5:12:30 PM
> End: 10/28/22, 5:12:54 PM
> OS Version: Version 13.0 (Build 22A380)
> Latencies (as monitored via PingPlotter) stay absolutely steady during these tests,
> So unless my ISP coincidentally started having major service issues, I’m scratching my head as to why.
> For contrast, the Ookla result is as follows: https://www.speedtest.net/result/13865976456  with 15ms down, 18ms up loaded latencies.

In Ventura, we started adding the latency on the load-generating connections to the final RPM-calulcation as well. The formula being used is now exactly what is in the v01 IETF draft.

Very likely the bottleneck in your network does FQ, and so latency on separate connections is very low, while your load-generating connections are still bufferbloated.

Ookla measures latency only on separate connections, thus will also be heavily impacted by FQ.

Does that clarify it?


> Further machine details: MacBook Pro 16” (2019) using a USB-C to Ethernet adapter.
> I run with full ECN enabled:
> sudo sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.disable_tcp_heuristics=1 
> sudo sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.ecn_initiate_out=1
> sudo sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.ecn_negotiate_in=1
> and also with instant ack replies:
> sysctl net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack
> net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack: 0
> I did try with delayed_ack=1, and the results were about the same.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jonathan Foulkes
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