[Starlink] [Bloat] Of interest: Comcast AQM Paper

Michael Richardson mcr at sandelman.ca
Wed Aug 4 20:24:20 EDT 2021

Jonathan Bennett <jonathanbennett at hackaday.com> wrote:
    > Isn't that what CZnic has done with the Turris router?
    > https://www.turris.com/en/mox/overview/

    > I hadn't seen the Mox, that is clever. The downside is the price, and that
    > they're hard to get outside Europe.

The MOX is very nice, but maybe a bit too modular... :-)
(but: they had their reasons)
I found it difficult to figure out where to put the antennae.

CIRALabs got several dozen for the SecureHomeRouter project, but the pandemic
kept us from getting them into alpha testing.   I think we bought direct.

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