[Starlink] Dealing with the new fair-use billing policy

David Lang david at lang.hm
Tue Nov 8 13:30:33 EST 2022

I'm curious as to what you are doing that's using a TB of data in a month? 
(especially since it's only data between 7am and 11pm that counts)

It will also be interesting to see what the difference in data rate is between 
priority and non-priority rates. Around the end of the month, I will have two 
dishes, one tied to this address and a second in roaming (non-priority) mode.

David Lang

On Tue, 8 Nov 2022, Larry Press via Starlink wrote:

> "My router (OpenWRT) will let me throttle a specific device, which is what I'll do going forward, but if you can't do that, it may be painful."
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