[Starlink] 9 starlink flights planned for june

David Lang david at lang.hm
Wed May 3 20:33:13 EDT 2023

As of mid-march, there were 6 launches scheduled for 'march', 4 of them 
starlink, at least 3 of them slipped.

When they list 'June 30 2023' this may have been from an actual scheduled launch 
saying June 30, or it could be from a schedule entry of 'June' or one of 'Q2' or 
even 'H1'

In March, some sites were listing SpaceX doing 3 launches from the same launch 
pad the same day as a result of this.

But SpaceX has done 29 launches in the first 120 days, so they are a bit behind 
schedule for their aim to do 100 launches this year.

rykllan (twitter and patreon) posts infographics showing the progress towards 
this goal every few weeks. Last year (when the target was 60 launches) she did 
it after every launch, but at the new pace, she's backed off a bit :-)

It's also almost time for the next Bryce Briefing reporting on the worldwide 
launch stats for Q1 https://brycetech.com/briefing

David Lang

On Wed, 3 May 2023, Nathan Owens via Starlink wrote:

> FWIW, many of those are likely to slip, there are a number of commercial
> launches in June/July. Depends if they re-shuffle Group 6 ahead of other
> shells.
> Upcoming non-starlink launches from the cape:
> May:
> - Arabsat 7A (SLC-40)
> June:
> - CRS-28 (LC-39A)
> - WorldView Legion 1 & 2 (SLC-40)
> - Axiom 2 (LC-39A), TBD
> - Turksat 6A (39A or 40)
> - Astranis (39A or 40)
> - O3b MPower 5 & 6 (39A or 40)
> July:
> - Galaxy 37 (39A or 40)
> - USSF-52 (39A)
> - Euclid (39A or 40)
> - USSF-36 (39A or 40)
> - Thuraya 4-NGS (39A or 40)
> August:
> - Crew 7 (39A)
> - Echostar 24 (39A)
> Sept:
> - Axiom 3 (39A)
> - Polaris Dawn (39A)
> - Ovzon 3 (39A or 40)
> On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 2:19 PM Dave Taht via Starlink <
> starlink at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:
>> Ḿind boggling.
>> https://twitter.com/VirtuallyNathan/status/1653867999919751169
>> --
>> Podcast:
>> https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7058793910227111937/
>> Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos
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