[Starlink] Starlink reaches the Amazon

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Mon Jun 3 20:40:41 EDT 2024


Archive link: https://archive.ph/DE3Kf

> “When it arrived, everyone was happy,” said Tsainama Marubo, 73,  > sitting on the dirt floor of her village’s maloca, a 50-foot-tall 
hut > where the Marubo sleep, cook and eat together. The internet 
brought > clear benefits, like video chats with faraway loved ones and 
calls > for help in emergencies. “But now, things have gotten worse,” 
she > said. > She was kneading jenipapo berries to make a black body 
paint and > wearing ropes of jewelry made from snail shells. Lately, the 
youth > had become less interested in making such dyes and jewelry, she 
said. > “Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet,” she 
said. > “They’re learning the ways of the white people.” > Then she 
paused and added, “But please don’t take our internet > away.” > The 
Marubo are struggling with the internet’s fundamental dilemma: It > has 
become essential — at a cost.

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