[Bismark-devel] switching issue on device

Nick Feamster feamster at cc.gatech.edu
Sun Apr 17 10:52:22 EDT 2011

On Apr 17, 2011, at 10:46 AM, Dave Taht wrote:

> I'm mildly confused as to your topology here. Diagram?
> You are behind NAT by default, so if you try to ping through the WAN port to something anything inside the LAN, those machines will be unreachable. You should however, be able to ping from the wireless to anywhere wired, LAN or WAN port. If you have AP isolation turned on in the wireless side, you cannot ping any other wireless connection, and I'm unsure what the behavior is for wired to wireless in that case.

I'm just talking about my LAN here:

		SERVER <----(2.4 GHz wireless, SSID "foo") ----> WNDR3700  <---- (wired LAN port) ----> Access Point 2 

* When I associate to AP2, I can ping SERVER, and resolve MDNS names.
* When I log into WNDR, I can ping SERVER
* When I associate to the WNDR3700, I can neither ping the server, nor resolve MDNS names.

So, isn't it strange that everything works when I'm connected via AP2, but not via the WNDR?  By my reasoning, all of the traffic that I'm sending when I'm connected via AP2 would have to go through the WNDR anyhow...


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