[Bloat] Active Queue Management for applicative layer

Nimrod Aviram nimrod.aviram at gmail.com
Sun Oct 2 12:51:03 EDT 2011

Hi all,
I'm a newbie, so my apologies if I'm directing this question to the wrong
list or anything :-)

I'm writing code for an applicative layer (scsi), transported inside tcp
(which is overall called iScsi).
This applicative layer is very prone to timeouts, specifically anything not
acked (in a scsi way) after 3 seconds is aborted,
which means any bandwidth we already spent on the request was a complete
I'd like to implement an Active Queue Management scheme, so that latency is
no longer than a second,
and throughput is as high as possible.
Is there any standard code that already does this, or anything similar?
I would really appreciate any pointers you can throw my way, I'm kind of "in
the dark" here.

many thanks,
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