[Bloat] weird problem WRT1200 + CAKE on OpenWrt 18.06.2

Sebastian Moeller moeller0 at gmx.de
Fri Aug 9 13:58:14 EDT 2019

> On Aug 9, 2019, at 19:53, Jonathan Morton <chromatix99 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 9 Aug, 2019, at 8:49 pm, Sebastian Moeller <moeller0 at gmx.de> wrote:
>>> Note that OpenWrt uses its NIH swconfig to configure the switch
>> 	Who knew it was the national institute of health that invented swconfig ;)
> Perhaps it's "Not Invented Here".

	Does not make much sense, since swconfig was invented by members of the OpenWrt project, so it really was "invented here" at least in relation to the thread topic. But, I admit, that is how I expanded NIH as well just after the expansion I posted, I guess professional blinders guided my acronym-fu here.... Anyway, just wanted to lighten up the day...

Best Regards

> - Jonathan Morton

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