[Bloat] ipv6 now disabled for lists.bufferbloat.net

Michael Richardson mcr at sandelman.ca
Sat Nov 9 21:18:25 EST 2019

On 2019-11-09 1:56 p.m., Dave Taht wrote:
> For no reason that I've been able to discern, for months and months
> now, nearly any use of ipv6 as an email transport has ended up getting
> the ipv6 address blocked in spamhaus's SBL listing, and thus a lot of
> email has been blocked. IPv4, seems ok, but for all I know
> whatever's triggering it only triggers when ipv6 is used. So I've
> given up on ipv6 and switched it over to ipv4 only.

I'm sorry to hear that.  can we still send to you on v6?

Spamhaus is useless.  Discourage it as widely as you can. They seem to
be on autopilot.
I have blackholed a few IPv6 for destinations that I can't live without,
and I've pushed ietf.org to whitelist me in to avoid their spamhaus
dependancy.    The major problem is that the SBL listing uses a bunch of
other listings which nobody maintains and which have some bogus rules.
Like that SLAAC addresses as instantly suspicious.

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