[Bloat] slashdotted

David Collier-Brown davecb.42 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 12:05:05 EST 2021

Slashdot has a rating system, voted upon by engaged authors. The real 
trash is voted down to 0 or -1, and the dumb stuff floats around 1 or 2.

My CTO reads at level 4 or 5 (;-))


On 12/7/21 09:40, Dave Taht wrote:
> slashdot is a language understood by mgmt?
> One poster went and checked his service (got an A on a bufferbloat
> report and gave a kudos), another asked a good question about applying
> sqm on top of that, the vast majority found something else to complain
> about, and several (one especially) put the whole bufferbloat problem
> down as a conspiracy by the ISPs to gauge and throttle users, even
> when I presented the best data we had (on how much we improved wifi)
> about it having been a theory failure.
> Well, maybe it is a language understood by mgmt. You have to really
> sort through this sort of chaff to find the wheat, This new tool holds
> some promise: https://github.com/sylvia-ou/netcheck/issues/1
> I hope those that deploy this stuff at scale look at macro-metrics,
> like reduced support calls, more than user feedback.
> The reddit conversation fared better:
> https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeNetworking/comments/r7cfvg/comcast_delivers_90_working_latency_reductions_by/
> as did linked in.
> As it is, I put in a christmas wish for santa for a flame retardant suit.
> On Mon, Dec 6, 2021 at 10:44 PM Taraldsen Erik
> <erik.taraldsen at telenor.no> wrote:
>> Thanks for that link! Written in a language an by a source (Comcast) which my company can relate to.  Posted it to our internal "facebook" main page.  Hope some in the management actually picks up on this now.
>> -Erik
>> ________________________________
>> Fra: Bloat <bloat-bounces at lists.bufferbloat.net> på vegne av Dave Taht <dave.taht at gmail.com>
>> Sendt: søndag 5. desember 2021 19.12.52
>> Til: bloat
>> Emne: [Bloat] slashdotted
>> I went to bed early yesterday, and woke up to slashdot.
>> https://tech.slashdot.org/story/21/12/05/0225227/comcast-reduced-working-latency-by-90-with-aqm-is-this-the-future
>> --
>> I tried to build a better future, a few times:
>> https://wayforward.archive.org/?site=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.icei.org
>> Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC
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David Collier-Brown,         | Always do right. This will gratify
System Programmer and Author | some people and astonish the rest
davecb at spamcop.net           |                      -- Mark Twain

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